Monday, November 3, 2008


This past Sunday, November 2nd was my 28th birthday. This year was a bit different (most of you know why) but it turned out great! It all started Saturday with a much needed visit with a BEST friend Sharee. After that Ben took me to Tepanyaki for dinner. The dinner was good but the company was amazing, I can't get enough of him! Afterwards we went back to my place and as we were walking up the stairs to my apartment there were rose pedals leading to the door, then once we got in there were candles lit and roses on the counter. In my room was my gift (like having a Best Friend who supports me and is always there for me is not enough) it was new University of Utah P.J.'s and Beanie!
Sunday was GREAT! I woke up super early, I forgot the time had changed. I went to the grocery store, bought some pillsbury cinnamon rolls and off to my Dad's I went. We had good conversation over coffee then I was off again! By the way THANKS to my PaPa for watching the boys while Ben and I had our night out!
After my Dad's I went to Sheila's and she colored my hair, I love it no more red roots!
About 3:00 is when the day picked up! My GodMothers took me & the boys to dinner. We had so much fun and believe it or not the kids were pretty good! The best part of the day... after dinner Kim & Lori took us to Famous Footwear and bought the boys new shoes! THANKS.
In the evening I had a lot of visitors for cake and Ice cream! It was so much fun!
Thank you to everyone for making my Birthday GREAT! I love and appreciate EVERYONE's support!


Annie said...

Happy belated birthday!! Sounds like you have a good guy on your hands!!;)

Eric and Hannah said...

Only 28? Man you are still so young! And I agree, it sounds like you have a GREAT guy on your hands!! Love ya!

Coatsy's said...

JADIE--- Happy Birthday!!! I remembered, but forgot to post it. Hope you had an amazing day... I would love to see you so come over to that party on Thursday night or lets do lunch...

candace said...

Happy Birthday girl!

Eric and Hannah said...

ha! ha! I just noticed we have the same background.......I will change mine just not sure when!

Brandy Christensen said...

Hey Jadie, I am glad you admitted to stalking my it is my turn to let you know I have been doing the same!lol Your boys are so cute, and I love your dark hair!