Friday, November 28, 2008

Ben's REAL family...

So, I'm pretty sure my boyfriend was a buck in his last life!! His passion for these animals is incredible. On Thanksgiving (after I got home from work) we decided to take a drive and look at Deer! It was just us 2, boy did we enjoy the peace and quiet for a few hours! Whatchoo lookin' at?
"Just turn around Son, it's only the Paparazzi!
HUMONGUS (I think)
I think this is his "brother from another mother."

My camera may be a little blurry (ok a lot) but know this...I'm going to shoot this deer and hang him on my wall next October!!
What a great picture this would have been if the truck wasn't driving off while I was taking it!!!!
Beautiful Boys!
The WHOLE fam damily!
This little DOE was so cute! She was very quiet and showed so much interest in us and the truck!
I hope EVERYONE had a Thanksgiving like we did... Full of laughs, love, famioly, friends and fun! I'll never forget mine!

1 comment:

Missy Lee said...

Wow...I've never seen a buck in real life, it's always just Doe's. But, we did see a herd of about 40 Bull Elk over Thanksgiving weekend! That was pretty amazing.