So last week when Ben picked Jaden up from school he decided to show Ben his "girlfriend." Later that night when we were sitting around the table Ben said "did you know Jaden has a girlfriend?" Jaden got this cute smile on his face and ducked his head. Ben was teasing him and asked if he was in love, much to our ssurprise Jaden replied "yes, I'm in love." We asked him what her name was and he told Ashlyn but he didn't know her last name. Ben said "it's probably Kendrick." Jaden (all smiles again) says "It will be Kendrick when we get married." We laughed so hard. Then to Friday... I picked up Jaden from school and as we are leaving he says "oh crap Mom turn around, I forgot to give this to Ashlyn." I looked back and saw he was holding a heart necklace that he had from a $.25 machine. I told him if he really wanted to give it to her he could on Monday. He was kinda quiet and really serious when he broke the news... "Mom, I think she might be pregnant." I was dying inside, I didn't know what to say or do. So, I put on the Mom face and said, "really, what makes you think that, have you kissed her?" He said "no, I just think she might be." I told him he can't kiss girls til he is 16 and I'm pretty sure she is not pregnant!

He just got quiet, then he says "man, Mom I've had hemorrhoids all day." Ok at this point I can't handle anymore, I mean I just found out I might be a Grandma at 28 now my Son has hemorrhoids? I died laughing this time. "Jaden what are hemorrhoids?" You know Mom when your butt itches from going down the slide too much." What a crack up, these 2 conversations have made me laugh all weekend.
By the way, he thought Ashlyn might be pregnant because they are a COUPLE now!