Saturday, January 3, 2009

Boy, OH Boy...

Could I be any luckier? I have so many BOY's that surround me on a daily basis! Here are some random pictures of my BOY's!

So sweet!

Jack-ee showing off his new playroom!
(He is a total poser like his Mom!)

Getting ready to party on New Year's Eve!

January 1st! It's a brand new year!

"Whatchoo lookin at?"

Jaden and Jensen enjoying eachothers company over breakfast!

The 2 boys watching T.V.

"So big"

Playing Playstation...
He was so envloved he probably didn't even know
I took this picture!
So cute! I love that face!

Jaden on New Years Eve right before he went to a party!
Yes, my 6 year old went to a party from 5:30pm - 12:30am!
Can you see it now?

Daddy, Ding and Jack-ee!

I don't know what this is OR who took it...probably sneaky lil Jack.
Anyway, it's my Dad and Jaden!


The Steeves said...

Did you know that inmates CAN'T have condrigal visits?! what a shocker!

Anonymous said...

Your new place looks very nice. alot more room for all of you? tell benny boy it is time his kid loses that binky. after six months old NO BINKY ALLOWED. I will come pull it out of his mouth if you want..... hmmm guess you know who this is coming from.... if not ??? I'M THE MAMA

Leslie said...

I know exactly who that is from.

Rachel said...

Jadie, Your boys are all so cute. I love little boys..really more than i ever thought I would. they have such a tender spot in thier hearts for thier mamas. You are so very blessed to be surrounded by these sweet little people!

Eric and Hannah said...

You got such cute boys but you need to give Ben the camera sometimes so you can get some pictures of YOU on here! Yeah....I like that idea! :)