Sunday, December 28, 2008

Santa Came!

I hope everyone's Christmas was AWESOME! Our's was fun... Family, Friends, Good Food, Lot's of Laughs, Stressful Driving and a Call to Poison Control! Here are some (just a few, LOL) pictures of "our" day! Holy crap, I think the big man found our house!

Some of Jack's stuff!

Jaden's side!

Jensen's pile of goods!

"Finally, the Kitchen set I've been asking for the past couple months!"

Christmas LOVE!

Jensen chillin, or maybe pooping! Who knows?

Fun Monster truck!

Checking everything out little by little!

Jack, so excited about a new Bed in a Bag!

Jaden's Bed in a Bag!

Jaden hugging Grandpa after he got his Pro Wheelie Cycle Bike!

Pro Wheelie Cycle Bike!

Jack overwhelmed with the Gameboy and 7 Games Jampa gave him!


Jaden, Brady (lil Bro) and Jack

Rock Band Baby!

Jack and Uncle Brady


GEEK! Grandma Marilyn sent the cutest hats from Cali! She also sent them an Easy Bake Oven & Creepy Crawler Machine along with outfits and underwear! They were so happy!

Christmas Morning snow!

Poor tree, looked so sad and cold!

Sucks to be the driver of this car! LOL!

Daddy and Ding opening presents!

Jensen on the bike Grandpa Brad gave him!

"Look at my HUGE SpongeBob cup Santa brought me!"

Jack & Jensen

Day after.... What a MESS!!


Missy Lee said...

Wow...Looks like you hit the Santa JACKPOT!! P.S. I'm still trying to figure out how the baby got the nickname "Ding".

Leslie said...

Santa was good to you!!!

Coatsy's said...

Looks like you and your kids had a good Christmas!!!!! Santa was way good to you this year, for some odd reason my kids are little devil's and Santa still comes :) Happy New Year..... Lots of love

Marshall, Lauren and Walker said...

Looks like a fun christmas!

Chelsea said...

Your boys must have been good this year.
They are all so cute. For some reason Jack looks so much older in all those pictures. I havent seen them in person for the longest time. And I havent seen Brady forever either.
Glad you guys had such a good day.

The Steeves said...

Looks like Santa came and threw up and your place. Oh wait, that's Jack's job ha ha!