Monday, December 1, 2008

Nothing like making your Kid clean up...

...his own PUKE!
Saturday when I picked up Jack from my Grandma Barb's house she told me he had puked 3 times. She said she wondered if it was just something he ate because he seemed to be fine. Well, he wasn't! "Mom of the Year" here, stopped at Holiday and bought him a Slurpee (at his request) the coke 1 wasn't working so I got cherry! WORST DECISION I've made in...well...a few days!! LOL

I know it looks mean but, I assure you... he begged to use "Aunt Rylee's" Spot Bot. Jack LOVES to cook and clean (he's going to be a GREAT Husband) when he is not busy building things!!

See how happy? I would NEVER make my kid clean up his own puke, that's my job!!


Missy Lee said...

Oh man...I wish my kids would beg to clean up their own puke! How nice would that be. I hope it came out of your carpet!

P.S. I hope you're not pissed about the comment I made on your post about the Lazy Dog a few weeks back. I didn't mean for it to sound rude, so hopefully you're not mad at me!! :|

Annie said...

That's hilarious!! I probably would have done the same thing but only because I would probably puke on top of it! I can't handle that smell! But what a good sport he is!

Just us said...

Lol that is great!! And btw I hate all you peops that already have your xmas up I am so jelous!!!