Why am I so nice? Why do I go out of MY way to meet my Ex Husband with our Son so he doesn't have to drive so far? Why do I help him out and keep him on weekends he has unexpected plans come up? Why do I lend an ear or shoulder when he needs someone to talk to ABOUT his 1st Wife and current one?
My Ex Husband is so hard to get along with, I guess you figured that one out already! Anyway, I sware the minute we were "seperated" he was on the prowl for another victim. In 15 years he was married 2 times, engaged 2, 3 kids and married AGAIN. Ummmm do you think it was all me?
My frustration could go on and on, should I really be blogging this?...Probably not.
Does it make me feel better?...Absolutely!!
So, long story short. A few weeks ago when he came to pick up Jack our conversation went like this:
Me: "The babysitter told me he has a nasty cough, there are other kids at daycare that are sick and he might need to go to the Doctor."
Ex: "Great, sigh, I'll keep an eye on him.
And that was that!
Saturday came around and I wanted to see how Jack was feeling so I called (Ex) the cell a couple times and he never answered. After a few hours I decided to call the house. Here is how this conversation went:
Me: "Hi, is Kenzie there?"
Ex's Wife: "No."
Me: "I was just wondering how Jack was feeling."
Ex's Wife: "He has a terrible cough and a fever."
Me: "A fever???"
Ex's Wife: "It's just low grade, 101."
Me: "Are you guys going to take him to the Doctor?"
Ex's Wife: "If he gets worse we will take him."
Me: "Well let me know, Thanks, bye."
Ex's Wife: "Bye"
Tonight, I could sense a little animosity. I asked Kenzie to stop treating me like crap, within minutes it was an argument. He was saying that I have no place treating his Wife like crap and that they can make decent decisions about Jacks health... I was so pissed. When have I EVER treated her like crap, surely not a few weeks ago (about the 3rd time I have even talked to her.)
I know this sounds so dumb BUT I always stick up for my Ex Husband and his Wife. I have always liked her and NEVER talked bad about her. In fact, I have said several times "he is lucky to have her."
Oh well, I guess to get anywhere with people like that, you just have to be a SUPER BITCH.
So, now that my "short" story is "long" and I have vented to all my friends and the whole blogging world, I will sign off saying: Super Bitch... here I come!