Sunday, June 8, 2008


Life is a shipwreck but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats.

Do you sometimes wish your life was different??? Do you wish you were someone else, or had a different job??? Maybe you wish you could change the past??? Do you not appreciate things the way you should???...
This is how I have been feeling lately. I know most of the "Thanks" should be paid to
Aunt Flow! (Why she comes to stay for those few days EVERY month, but during pregnancy I don't know) BUT, can all the animosity be blamed on her? I have been so emotional lately; upset, mean, nice, happy, sad, crying, laughing, lonely, overwhelmed etc at any moment. My poor Husband has been such a trooper, he's getting good at walking on egg shells! Thanks to those who have NOT said "what is wrong with you lately," Just so you know... this is not acceptable. If I freakin' knew what was wrong I would have control of it! ANYWAY, in the midst of all these feelings... I have lost something (besides my mind) my ability to look at the positive.
We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.
Okay so enough of the BUMMED OUT BLOG!

Wednesday night I decided that Jaden and Jack needed new shoes. Who knew that a qucik trip to Payless would be the start to a SHOPPING SPREE! Among the things I bought was the Sex and the City soundtrack. I LOVE it! It has helped so much to calm me down and think happy thoughts! The funniest thing about this totally girly CD, Jack LOVES it too! Everytime we get in the car he begs "I wanna listen to my song" I also got the Now 28 CD it is so good too!

Well, I know this blog is kinda here there and everywhere but at least I kept my promise to blog more often!

Love to all,
Jadie & Co.


Missy Lee said...

Hey Jadie-
How are ya, girl? I'm glad to know that you have a blog. I have one too. I don't update everyday like some people, but I try to every few weeks or so. So, i was reading through yours, how sad about Candace. I work with her brother in law and I went to the benefit lunch and everything. It didn't even dawn on me that it was the Candace from Jr. High and High School. I remember looking at the little family picture and thinking that she looked familiar. How is she doing? So, why did you decide to delete your myspace account? Have you seen the reunion website? It's There are quite a few people who have put their profiles on there. Kinda fun to look through and see pics of everyone. Anyway, I hope your doing good sweetie. Talk to you soon. (By the way, Jaden's eyes are to die for!!)

Chelsea said...


Hi girl! Long time no see. Congrats on your marriage! You need to come visit us one Sunday and bring your boys! They are getting SO big.
I hope you are having a happy day :)

candace said...

Okay, so I am sorry I spelled jaden's name wrong in my last comment, forgive me.