Today I did the HARDEST thing I have EVER done... in fact, my heart is literally racing right now just blogging it! Anyway, Jaden decided about a week ago that he was ready to fly ALONE. So, I called my Mom...set up a date...looked for flights...called my Dad for his credit card info (LOL)...then booked the flight! PIECE of CAKE, that part! I wasn't too nervous until yesterday, for some reason him being alone, in a plane heading to a different state got to me! TODAY...I flipped! Anyway, long story short...he made it just fine. It turns out it WAS harder on me than him!
Here he is!!!
Now it just wouldn't be official without WINGS and...

...proper identification!

Meet the newest crew member of Jet Blue...
My baby and me...this is when I still had make up left!
Jaden gets sick of my camera always in his face so I told him...the airline people said I need to take lots of pictures in case they need them!!! Don't worry, he didn't buy it!
I love this face...I'm going to miss it BAD!!!
This is where I am headed...

"See you soon Son" AND this is where I F R E A K E D!!!

After talking to both my Parent's and Ben I calmed down and headed to the parking lot.
Then I saw this...... the tears were a flowin' and I couldn't talk. I'm sure bystanders thought I'd just received some horrible news. LOL!
AND again! NOT goodbye but... See you soon!
Jaden, I love you so much, I hope you have a blast!