As you have seen in previous posts my little family has been anticipating the 2008 Deer hunt for quite some time!! We have all been pretty excited; talking about, thinking about & planning exactly how and what were are going to do.
Bens plan: Get up at the crack of dawn, pick up Grandpa Steve and hunt...hunt...hunt...
My plan: Get all 3 boys up and ready, make lunch and get up the canyon by noon...
Jaden's plan: Hunt...
Jack: Anything as long as it involves looking through binoculars...
Jensen: Also anything, preferably something where Dad is...
How the PLAN turned out:
Bens leaves the house around 4:30, picks up Grandpa and is on the mountain at 5:15,
by 6:45 he has hiked to the top and is on the look out. 7:45 sun comes up DEER HUNT 2008 has offically opened!! 8:15 Ben takes a shot, and gets him... 8:45 he calls me and tells me to get the kids and come now! I explain that it will take some time to get 3 boys ready for the day let alone to spend the day in the mountains, then I ask if he has seen anything. he proceeds to tell me that he already got one (the excitement in his voice was priceless) SO, I get off the phone and start rushing around then another call from Ben saying I don't need to hurry, it's going to take forever to get the deer down the mountain and to the truck so I start taking my time, sticking to the original plan. Then ANOTHER call, this time the excitement is gone...something is wrong... Ben tells me that he is not going to be able to get the deer, the mountain is too steep and thick to drag him out. He tells me to still come up and we will have lunch and let the kids have their kicks "hunting"! Around 11:30 the boys and I are in the car and on our way (it should be noted that thru all the up's & down's I decided against lunch, the kids had their lunchables and thats all that mattered) Ben calls again this time he says, his brother and friend were on their way to help him. He also tells me that it is going to take a long time so the boys and I probably wont want to wait. Well... since Me and the 3 J's were almost up the canyon and they were all excited (actually...Jensen was sleeping) I didn't want to turn around. I decided we would just hang out with Grandpa Steve for a bit and let the kids do what they wanted!

Here is Jaden, this is Jampa Brad's huntin jacket he couldn't go with out and the bandana... I still don't know the significance.
Jack throwing rocks down the mountain! Looking at "bear dunnels" (tunnels) ~caves I think is what he really meant~ well, at least that was his story!

Jensen, preparing to throw a rock down the mountain. Happy to be out in the fresh air!
Grandpa Steve and Jack on the hike!

Jack's new best friend and him "spotting" buck or bear dunnels...

Lunch time in the bed of a truck! Jaden made his lunchable pizza with a cookie on top, sick huh?

Here was our "snow adventure" (another from the mouth of Jack)
After a couple hikes, lunch, a snowball fight and wearing out Grandpa Steve the boys and I decided to head home.
It wasn't for another 5 hours or so that Ben called again. He said they were finally at the truck with the deer, it was about took more than 9 hours to get that thing down. They had to gut it, and slice it to get it to the truck SICK!!

I'd love to show better pictures of Ben's prize BUT it looked kind of like the butcher section of your local grocery store, who wants to see that on a blog??

This is 1 of the few pictures that I took of the animal, and those are the antlers from the deer!!