Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Bedtime Prayers

The other night when the boys and I were getting ready to say our bedtime prayers. Jaden and I usually take turns everyother night saying them and Jack just kind of assists!! Anyway, I told Jaden it was his turn to start but Jack interrupted and said he wanted to say them tonight!

So this is how we usually start:
~Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for this day... ~

This is how little Jack started:
~Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for this STEAK... ~

Oh my heck, I can't believe after all these nights he thought were we thanking God for steak!!

Jaden and I were laughin so hard that we had to start all over!!


Missy Lee said...

That is so cute!! I love the funny little things that kids say. I should be a better mom and start saying prayers with my kiddos. Good job Jadie!! :)

Leslie said...

Hey I thank Heavenly Father every time I get a steak!!

Ty starts the prayers...Bless the Dofet (prophet) theres no Dear HEavenly father...he just goes right into blessing the prophet. lol

Bradyn, Cindy, Peyton and Houston said...

So cute! Don't you just love the things that kids come up with? Peyton makes me laugh everyday.

Annie said...

LOL! That's hilarious! I love it when kids say things like that! Also, I tagged you in my blog so check it out!

Chelsea said...

Hehe. That is so cute. I hope to see you and your boys on Halloween if you have time. Its been too long.

Stephanie said...

Hey- kinda late notice, but we are having a Halloween party tomorrow at 8:00ish. You should try to stop by. Let me know and I'll get you my address

Eric and Hannah said...

Oh my goodness, that is soooo stinkin funny!!!