We are preparing for our trip to CALIFORNIA, only 2 more days!
I can't wait to go to Disneyland!

Jaden left last Sunday the 22... yes, that's right...8 days ago. We have missed him so much, he is having lot's of fun but is getting (in his own words) "really HOME SICK." He has been to SEA WORLD, the BEACH, LEGO LAND and tomorrow... KNOTTS BERRY FARM.
With Jack spending the weekend with his Dad and Jensen not coming over til Saturday we have had a peaceful few days!

However, we always look forward to having our babies back in our arms!
My Friends and Me!!

Candace, and I have decided to make it a monthly things to go get a pedicure!
It is so much fun relaxing, visiting & laughing.
This time we invited Mindy, she is due to have her baby in 2 days... we were hoping the massage would start her labor BUT no such luck!

How cute! Mindy... I think Krue might be a basketball!!
On to the BODY PIERCING... Yes, that is what I said!!!
Ben decided to get his nipples pierced professionally (not like when he was a kid and did it himself then sported his Mom's jewelry!!!) So, off to the Nail Jail we went!

I took this picture thru the door knob hole, I was feeling so sneaky!

Aunt Shauna is looking at him like "are you sure you wanna do this?"
Rylee is ready to get this done!

I'm not sure about this picture BUT they Ben looks like he is up to something!! LOL

Rylee explaining to her Mom that "it's not a big deal."
It really wasn't at the time BUT they sure hurt that evening!
Last week Jensen Ding had DOUBLE ear infections AND... Hand Foot & Mouth virus. He felt horrible!

Resting in Daddy's arms, the safest place in the world!

The other morning, I went upstairs to check on Jensen and this was what I found...
How freakin' sweet is that!!

In the down time, this is what my silly A$$ boyfriend does...!
He is addicted to this PS3 game called Call of Duty, it's a war game. Whenever he sits down to play it, he say's "Babe?...I gotta go to war."
What a nerd!!
So, that is what we have been up to the last few days.
I will post again when we get back from CALI!!!!!!