Thursday, March 19, 2009

A little of this & A little of that...

I really have nothing to blog about, sad huh? I guess I can tell you a story about each 1 of the kids...!
Last week I realized my "oldest" baby is getting BIG. I was hanging laundry and his shirts kept falling off the hangers... I had to move all his clothes from the baby/kid hangers to adult hangers. I know this may sound silly but it really was sad!
Beware, this is nasty...not something I'm proud of but it's worth journaling for future torture!
The other day while sitting on the floor next to Jack's bed I could here him
breathing in & out, in & out through his nose. I looked up at him just in time to see the BIGGEST booger ever moving in and out each time he sniffed. Most Mom's would do the same... reach up and grab it without thinking, just then he said "AWWWE Mom, I was gonna eat that." I almost puked, not only did I just hear my Son (whom I swore would NEVER EVER eat a booger) say he was going to eat that BUT I had that BIG boogie between my fingertips! SICK!!!
Our little Jensen is getting smarter and smarter every day! He is FINALLY off his binki and starting to express himself verbally! His latest thing is to move our Kitchen chairs out, climb up and sit in the middle of the table! It's cute but dangerous, so we have been telling him "No, No" constantly. He even looks at the chairs and we tall him "No." Well yesterday he wouldn't stop, everytime we took him off the table he would get right back up and do it again. The funny part...Ben decided that every time he did this he was going to spend 1.5 minutes in timeout. It was so funny watching Ben get him off the table and take him up to timeout over and over for a good hour. Ben was trying so hard to be stern and teach him a lesson but it just wouldn't work!
Well, I hope that my stories kept you entertained...I told ya it was just "a little of this & a little of that."

Love, Me


Missy Lee said...

Oh...the BOOGER story!! I'm so glad I've never caught my kids eating boogies! I would puke right then and there. Boys are so fun, aren't they!!

Mom said...

I couldn't help laughing so hard that I puked!!! Just kidding. I remember a neighbor telling us what she found on her son's wall by his bed. I won't go into any more details!
I should send you the pic of Byron on the table. He has a pillow! to make him more comfortable.

Coatsy's said...

LOVE IT.... little stinkers!!!! good thing they are cute right!?

Chelsea said...

I have been the worst blogger lately. I was just catching up on your blog. I LOVE your hair. Its so freakin cute. Your cali trip looks like so much fun, it was fun to see some pictures of your mamma.
Hope all is going well with you and your boys!

Rachel said...


You will laugh so hard someday at that story!

It's fun reading your blog! Did you get my message on Facebook? We ought to go out sometime!!!