Wednesday, March 11, 2009


So here we are...back in Utah! I loved every minute of California but I must admit, I am a Utah baby!
I am going to post a quick run down of what we did for your entertainment and my memory! I took 147 pictures (too many to post) so I will post some of my favorites to go along with the day! ENJOY!
Wednesday: We flew out at 4:30.
Jack was so excited to get on the plane!
Missing 2 boys...!
Jack was the only kid on the plane flying out so, he was invited to meet the Pilots and see the cockpit!
I just love this innocent picture!

We got to California at 5:30, we were so excited to see Jaden and Grandma Marilyn we didn't get the camera out! We left the airport pretty quick, checked into our beautiful hotel and went to dinner. We had plans to do lots of things the first night BUT we were all so tired we called it a night around 9. The boys stayed at my Mom's house every night but was a nice break!

Thursday: I was a bit messed up with the time change, (I know only 1 hour, lame huh)... so I got up at 4:30am, got some coffee and sat by the pool til Ben woke up! My Mom picked us up and we were off to breakfast!

After breakfast... off to DISNEYLAND!!!

As I said before... I took WAY too many pictures, these are ONLY A FEW of my favorites!This is the most tired PIRATE I have ever seen. This was the only night Jack stayed with us and he was so easy, he didn't move all night!
Friday: Again... coffee outside by the pool early in the morn ALONE! Then off to spend the day and night at the beach! We played in the water and sand all day, the boys LOOOOOVED it!
Then we had a fire, my Mom made us the best tin foil dinners. We even roasted marshmellows and made smores! It was so yummy, fun and relaxing!
Saturday we went fishing, played in the pool and to a nice dinner! (I'm so done adding pictures, if you want to see more check out my facebook!

Sunday we went to breakfast, went to the swap meet and off to the airport!


Marshall, Lauren and Walker said...

That looks like so much fun! It reminds me of how desperately bad I need a vacation! San Diego looks SO nice!

Kaysie said...

I'm glad you had fun and made it home safe! I want to see all 147 pics - your boys are so stinkin cute and it was great to see your mom. I have to admit, I am a little jelous of the alone time by the pool - peace and quiet is priceless. :)