Saturday, November 19, 2011

My 2011 CHRISTMAS Goal...

Call us crazy if you wish... I just want to remember the calm feeling I have right now as we approach the busiest time of year.

The last part of October while Ben and I were watching TV, a commercial for the list of upcoming Christmas movies came on. I thought to myself (the same thing 99.9% of adults think)
"YUCK...Christmas already???"

I looked at him and said "let's get all of our stuff done as soon as possible so that when we hear or see the word CHRISTMAS we don't have to flinch." He agreed and by that weekend... we were at the starting line.

It has been almost 3 weeks since we decided to celebrate Christmas 2011 STRESS FREE, and I am ECSTATIC to report... not only are we 95% finished with our shopping but, we are done wrapping and we have decorated!!!

I want to remember Christmas as a fun time with our little boys. I want to CONTINUE and MAKE NEW, traditions. I want to give to the less fortunate and most of all I want to snuggle on the couch in pajamas with the love of my life and our amazing little boys while watching Christmas movies and talking about Jesus!

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