So, I decided that since I am so far behind... I will just skip the last few weeks!
SAD? I know but I get too overwhelmed and then I don't want to even attempt to blog.
Weekend Fun
Oldtimers, weekends, and airplane landings are alike.
If you can walk away from them, they're successful.
Thursday Night (I know it's not really a weekend night but who cares huh?!) we watched
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. If you haven't seen this movie, you should. It's a love/hate relationship... some love it and some hate it. I LOVED it! There are so many hidden messages. Ben liked it too...

Friday Night Ben and I went on a date, just the 2 of us. We went to see Angels & Demons, a movie we have both been looking forward to since the previews. I LOVED it! Ben said it was "okay". I guess he was a little disappointed because he read the book first. You know how that is!

Saturday Morning we woke up and headed to the park for Jaden's 8am baseball game. He did great, all the kids did. We lost BUT learned a very valuable lesson from our Coaches... Winning doesn't matter, having fun is what matters... and Boy O' Boy did they have fun!!

Saturday Afternoon (pictures to come soon) the boys and I went to Candace's and worked in her yard, Holy crap it was a ton of work!! Candace, her Mom...Mary Jane and I worked our butts off for about 5 hours. We got some major weeding and planting done, we even put together a way cute chair for her front porch! Even though I got FRIED and my butt muscles were KILLING me... I had a great day with the 2 of them talking and laughing all day!
Saturday Night Me, Ben, the Boys (well 2 of our 3), my Handsome Dad, Rylee, Rick, Reagan and a few more friends met up at WingNutz for a Beer, some wings and good converstaion!

Here is Daddy and Jack having a "stare-down"

Grandpa, Best Friends, Baseball Coach AND so much more... AND Jaden

Grandpa and his Boys

B.A.C.A. Babes on our friend Todd's Harley.

Grandpa Brad with Reaga Roo, Jaders and Jackee
Sunday Morning I woke up before the kids and made Chicken Enchiladas. We had plans to spend the day swimming and I knew I wouldn't feel like making dinner when I got home.
Sunday Early Afternoon the boys and I met up with Sarah, Kaden, Aunt Lydia, Stephan and Byron for a day swimming. Everyone had a great time.

Sunday Afternoon/Evening when Ben got home from work and we got home from swimming, we ate our "already prepared" chicken enchiladas then watched the movie Red Dragon. I liked it, Ben has seen it, Jack fell asleep and Jaden was scared to death!! Oh well, we gave him the option and told him it was scary... I really liked having him cuddle with me though, there is just something so magical about cuddling with your HUGE 7 year old baby!!

During all this fun...we were missing a very important LINK to our family,
our little Jensen "Ding"! We missed him so much!!
Here is a picture of him having fun on his weekend with his Mommy.

I hope you enjoy our weekend as much as we did!!
Love, "Us"