"Sometimes I feel that life is passing me by, not slowly either, but with ropes of steam and spark-spattered wheels and a hoarse roar of power or terror."
May started off a little slow and somber, lets just skip the first week and a ½!
We got our back yard in order ie. Weeds pulled, flowers planted, garden planted, lawn mowed and swimming pool opened!
Mother's day was great! The boys were not home in the morning so Gary and I went shopping. We went to Shopko, Costco and Khols. We had so much fun, (he is like having a best girlfriend sometimes!) Jaden made me the cutest bracelet, a magnet and card at school. Jack colored me a picture and gave me a Marigold in a cup. Gary bought me some new Harley attire (preparing me for our big bike trip in July) then we had my Dad and Grandma over for a nice dinner and the Jazz game.
I started my new shift on the 6th, 7 – 3:00 with Sunday/Monday's off. I love it! Jaden and Jack are doing much better with me working 8 hours vs the 12's I was before.
Gary started his new run on the 12th. He is now driving to Wamsutter, Wyoming leaving at 3:45 am and getting home around 2. It is so nice to have him home with us in the evenings. To gain the 6 to 7 hours of sleep he can function on, he tries to be in bed, asleep by 7:30. He hates turning in so early but I love and usually, I get the kids in by 8:30 and I am asleep by 9!
Jack was sick, puking his little guts out for over a week, it started May 15th. After 3 days of no eating/drinking, and a developed fever we were off to the instacare. The Doctor was amazing. She tested him for EVERYTHING. While we were waiting for the numerous test results he received a large bag of fluids to re hydrate him. The results came back normal but because he did not "perk up" with the fluids the decision was made to send us to Primary Children's for observation. Gary and I arrived at the hospital ER around 10:30 and didn't get seen until around 1:00. During our wonderful stay in the waiting room Jack slept in our arms, no puking and no whining. When we finally saw a Doctor we said "they sent us here from the instacare for observation, we have observed him for hours and we want to go home." The Doctor agreed and home we headed! The next morning, while Jack rested, I had to deal with work. They were so great to me, helping me out by covering my shifts for 8 of the days I was scheduled. The puking continues for several days and all they could come up with was "viral infection" (go figure)! By the 22nd he was finally coming around, his appetite was back and in full force!
We decided that because I was off for the rest of the weekend (Memorial) we would head to the desert and get some fresh air!
We left Friday and returned Monday. We spent our time with Jaden & Jack, our good friends, Greg and Jen, their 2 kids and both their friends. We had a blast 4 wheelin', playin' games, trap shooting, cooking and just visiting.
Tuesday was a bit rough… both Gary and I were getting back into the routine of work which meant early dinners, early showers, and early bed times! The boys on the other hand, they did just great!
During the last few days of May and the first few in June we will be wrapping up baseball, attending "both" our boys graduations (Jaden ~ Kindergarten and Kyle ~ High school) and preparing for summer. Well I guess that brings us up to date, I am going to give it my BEST effort to get in the hang of this… I PROMISE!
P.S. I will add pictures in a little bit!
Jadie & Co